Why am I not losing weight? The shocking truth why you are dieting and exercising but not losing weight

18 min readDec 22, 2020


Image by pinterastudio from Pixabay

Everything you know about losing weight in the diet industry is a lie and a fraud. The weight loss industry is a billion-dollar business and will fight to protect their business model from been destroyed if the world finds out that they could break free and loss weight naturally without an exercise plan, dieting etc.

Forget what you’ve been taught by the main stream weight loss industry and tv doctors, they want you to feel that it’s your fault and that you’re broken and that you need them to lose weight. The whole industry is a giant and deliberate fraud which makes billions every year, not by helping you lose weight but by having people stuck in the cycle for life and to have people constantly ask themselves Why am I not losing weight? and what diet or exercise program should I buy? According to a new study from sports and nutrition company My Protein, 1,350 US adults between the ages of 18 to 65 found that Americans spend an average of $155 per month on their health and fitness, which averages $112,000 in their lifetime, and $13,000 more than a public four-year college education — that’s an average of about $98,440.

Obesity present a significant challenge to public health in the USA. It is serious because it is associated with poorer mental health outcomes and reduced quality of life. In addition to the economic burden, obesity is associated with the leading causes of death in the United States and worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and type 2.

Clearly, the need for anti-obesity therapies is large and growing larger, yet there is only a few people making the effort to educate the American population of the real reason for their weight gain and what they can do to get there life back to normal but rather the health and fitness industry are only focus on treating the symptoms of peoples weight gain and providing short term result and false hope instead of providing and promoting long term weight loss solutions.

The real cause of your increase weight and belly fat, love handles has nothing to do with how much you diet, starve yourself or deprive yourself of your favourite foods, how much gruelling exercise you do, how much sugar and carbohydrate you eat, your thyroid hormones, your willpower, metabolism or genetics.

This article explains everything you need to know about ghrelin, leptin and motilin resistance how it is implicated in obesity by affecting our appetite control, hunger, satiety, and weight control, then I will share with you few of the scientific proven methods that people are now using to treat the root cause of the symptoms. If you don’t treat these symptoms: ghrelin and leptin, no matter how much weight you loss from your yoga class, Zumba, gym, diet, etc, you are always going to gain all that weight back and then your cycle to lose weight continuous. So, you can see why it is in their best interest for the pharmaceutical and fitness industry to keep you unaware of the true cause of your weight and why they continue to treat your symptom but never the root cause of your weight.


Ghrelin, the “I’m Hungry Hormone”

Ghrelin, otherwise known as the “I’m hungry” hormone is produced primarily in the lining of the stomach. Your stomach releases ghrelin when it is empty or thinks it is. This sends signals to your hypothalamus in your brain telling you that you are hungry and you should eat, this is when your mouth starts to water and you’re drooling over the thought, sight or smell of your favourite food then your brain is urged on to a search-and-destroy operation to find the last nearby Krispy Kreme donut, Reese chocolate bar or Pringles.

Interesting Discoveries

(For more information on individual discoveries please click on the respected numbers for link to research.)


Studies have shown that people that are obese may have an overly active ghrelin receptor, known as GHS-R, suggesting that ghrelin may be a major contributor to their increased appetite and body weight. So, if you want to lose weight, lowering your ghrelin levels will help you consume less food and feel full and the easier it is to eat fewer calories.


Studies have shown us that the level of ghrelin increases with fasting and the longer you diet the higher your ghrelin levels will rise. This makes you hungrier, so it becomes much harder to maintain your new weight and you end up gaining all that weight back and more.


Ghrelin may sound like a dreadful, diet-wrecking hormone. Actually, it played an essential role in the past for survival by helping people maintain a healthy level of body fat, for instance, the ghrelin levels in the blood of individuals affected by obesity are lower than those in leaner individuals. That finding is opposite to expectations that obesity would be due to excess levels of the hunger hormone.


In humans, plasma Ghrelin concentration in your stomach typically rises nearly twofold sharply shortly before a meal and falls about an hour after every meal, a pattern that is consistent with a role in the urge to begin eating.


Most people who go on a diet and lose weight end up regaining that weight within a year. The “go and stop” appetite hormones Ghrelin and hormones are the reason why 95% of diets fail people. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone while leptin is the stop appetite hormone.


Several observations from studies in humans and rodents provide support that weight loss achieved by diet was associated with increased plasma Ghrelin levels which in return causes changes in appetite and stimulate food intake that promote weight regain.


An interesting study recently done in 13 obese subjects before and after a six-month dietary program for weight loss found a weight loss of 17 percent of their initial body weight was associated with a 24 percent increase in ghrelin levels.

This chart shows a 24-Hour Plasma Ghrelin Profiles of the before and after a Diet-Induced Weight Loss for 6 months in these 13 Obese Subjects.

Image modified. Original credit of image goes to the researcher David E Cummings

The Graph above shows an elevation in the level of Plasma Ghrelin in the stomach after weight loss.


In another 3-month weight loss diet study, researchers found a significant increase in Ghrelin over time (770 to 1322 pmol/liter) in the weight-loss group


A case study tracked a drug-free male bodybuilder age 26–27 y preparing for a Bodybuilding competition, during 6-month bodybuilding diet researchers observed an extremely low level of body fat through severe dietary restrictions and a 40% increase in ghrelin level.

Image modified. Original credit of image goes to the researchers M Tschöp 1, D L Smiley, M L Heiman


In experiments, people who got injections of ghrelin before a buffet meal ate 30 percent more than a group of eaters not given extra ghrelin.


Further evidence that high ghrelin level caused weight gain was obtained from a study conducted on mice to investigate the effect of daily ghrelin injections on daily food intake and body weight.


There was a trend to overeat found with the mice treated with hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin was also reported to stimulate food intake and increase weight gain.


Interestingly, besides increasing food intake, exogenous ghrelin decreases the metabolic rate and the catabolism of fat, thereby affecting all aspects of the system of energy regulation in such a way as to increase body weight.

Motilin Resistance

Normally there’s a chemical in your body called migrating motor complex ( mmc) liable for sending messages to your brain alerting the brain to release Motilin which successively sends Motilin-controlled contractions back to the body to control the hunger feeling. But people with Motilin resistance in their body irrespective of how full or what quantity they eat will still have the appetite for more because they don’t feel full. After you eat excess, energy in your food converts into fat, as fat store occurs the body releases Motilin which then sends signals to your body to stop eating, but if you don’t stop eating that’s when motilin resistance occurs. As your body is resisting Motilin signals and because the dangerous foreign compound are growing the brain never gets the message that you’re full instead you still feel more and more hungry.

Interesting Discoveries


Motilin resistance as proven by numerous studies, is a dangerous foreign chemical inside every person who struggles with weight loss.


A recent discovery showed that Ghrelin hormones also known as the hunger hormone is the real reason for your Motilin resistance and motilin resistance causes overeating.

Leptin, The “Stop Appetite Hormone”

The opposing hormone to Ghrelin is the stop appetite hormone, Leptin. Leptin is a hormone produced in the fat cells. It plays a role in regulating body weight by signalling the brain to reduce appetite and burn more calories.

Leptin’s job is to send information to your brain to use the stored fat and burn calories at a normal rate instead of eating for energy when you don’t have to.

The Leptin system evolved to prevent humans from overeating.

Leptin is produced by your body’s fat cells. The more body fat they carry, the more leptin they produce.

As Leptin is carried by the bloodstream it sends a signal to the hypothalamus of your brain, this is the part of the brain that controls when and the amount of food to eat.

The fat cells use Leptin to tell your brain how much body fat they carry. High levels of Leptin tell your brain that you have plenty of fat stored, while low levels tell your brain that fat stores are low and that you need to eat.

When you eat, your body fat goes up, leading your Leptin levels to go up. Thus, you eat less and burn more.

On the other hand, when you don’t eat, your body fat goes down, leading your Leptin levels to drop. At that point, you eat more and burn less.

Leptin Resistance

In their fat cells, people who are obese have a great deal of body fat.

Since fat cells produce leptin in proportion to their size, leptin levels are also very high in people who are obese.

Many overweight people should naturally restrict their food consumption, considering the way leptin is supposed to function. In other words, their minds should know they’ve got a lot of stored energy.

Their leptin signalling can however, not function. Although, plenty of Leptin is produced, the body’s appetite suppression system is unable to function properly because the brain does not detect it.

Leptin resistance disorder is now considered to be one of the primary biological contributors to obesity

When your brain does not receive the leptin signal, even though it has more than enough energy stored, it will wrongly assumes that your body is starving.

In order to restore body fat, this causes your brain to change its behaviour. Causing your brain to encourage:

· Eating more in order to avoid hunger, the brain feels you must feed.

· Energy expenditure by lowering your energy levels in an attempt to save energy and helps you burn less calories while you rest.

Therefore, eating more and doing less is not the basic cause of weight gain, but rather a potential product of resistance to Leptin, a hormonal defect.

Most overweight people with Leptin resistance, it is virtually impossible to conquer the strong urge to the Leptin-driven starvation signal.


You are probably thinking, if Ghrelin stimulates hunger, then wouldn’t a Ghrelin inhibitor be effective in helping people lose weight? Numerous research have been conducted or are currently in progress on the subject, for example, in 2006, an anti-obesity ghrelin vaccine that significantly slowed weight gain and reduced body fat in animals was developed by the Scripps Research Institute in California.


While future vaccine is still in development there have been other successful advances such as a breakthrough liquid drop formula known as Biotox Gold liquid supplement by a special education teacher Tonya Harris from Henderson Nevada. She discovered the very first 100% all-natural liquid drop-weight loss supplement in the world. Before releasing it to the general public, Tanya Harris has tested the ingredients on herself and on a thousand people. They all experienced immediate benefits, from better sleep to weight loss almost immediately. However, each one is different and results may vary.

Belly fat, arm fat, hip fat, and thigh fat are simply a symptom of Motilin resistance, once you tackle your Motilin resistance your food cravings will immediately disappear. The best part is you can still eat cake, pizza and chocolate and all your favourite foods you will no longer have to force yourself to stop eating instead you will want to because it will take less food to make you feel full and satisfied and this means you will absorb fewer calories from your meal.

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Natural Ingredients

Biotox Gold is enriched with 20 natural detoxifying nutrients and plant extracts to support the body through the entire restoration process and prevent nutrients deficiency. All the ingredients used are 100% natural and mixed together in liquid form for the highest possible potency to be taken with no need for a strict diet or exercising.


“Guarana” by Wesley H. Brewton Jr is licensed under CC0

Guarana may promote metabolism of fat, weight loss, and increase the energy amount used for basic metabolic functions, like breathing and digestion. A significantly reduction in weight and hip circumference was discovered in an 8-week clinical trial where 67 people were giving an herbal supplement containing Ma Huang and guarana. In 2 other clinical trials on over 100 normal to slightly overweight people, a commercial herbal extract with guarana, yerba mate, and damiana was found to have delayed stomach emptying, which in return led to reduced hunger and calorie intake. Another study found that when people took a guarana-containing vitamin supplement they felt less fatigued while completing several tests, compared to those who took a placebo.

Eleuthero root

“Eleuthero root” by Eugene Kim is licensed under CC BY 2.0
  • Eleuthero root, also known as Siberian ginseng, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It has also been commonly used by the people of Siberia to increase energy, stamina and endurance. Traditionally, eleuthero is said to fight fatigue. Fatigue can be a major impediment to weight loss. Individuals who feel tired all the time may spend much of their time resting or even sleeping and lack the motivation to be active. Eleuthero is used to support weight loss by helping curb cravings and to increase your energy level to get out and be active.


Image by Brett Hondow from Pixabay

The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in Capsicum helps to protect your cells and boost your immune system. The two carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin) can protect your retina from oxidative damage. Among most of the fruit and vegetables, red capsicum has the highest vitamin C content. This high vitamin C is beneficial for the immune system, also the Vitamin K in capsicum plays a vital role in strengthening bones and protecting from osteoporosis bone disease. Capsicums contain high amounts of vitamin B6. To lose weight, it’s essential to keep blood sugar stable to prevent sugar cravings and overeating. Hence, vitamin B6 is important in order to balance your blood glucose and prevent blood sugar spikes.

Garcinia Cambogia

Image by Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay

The fruit increases the level of serotonin in the body. Serotonin helps curb cravings and appetite. It also regulates bowel movements of the body. Serotonin affects our emotion so a higher serotonin level improves the mood of an individual. Studies have suggested that serotonin can help with depression. The active ingredient HCA blocks the enzyme that the body uses to form fats. It also decreases the production of bad cholesterol.

Maca root

“Maca root” by tacowitte is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Looking for some sexual healing by Marvin Gaye? Maca is where it’s at! Maca’s regularly used due to its ability to enhance sexual performance. A claim which is backed by science. For example, a clinical review of four studies evaluating 130 people, published in 2010 by the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, discovered evidence that Maca could boost libido in both men and women. Taking Maca is also considered a natural way to improve your mood (besides our Chocolate Lover mix). A study found that Maca root reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, especially in post-menopausal women. It was also discovered in this study that Maca root can reduce sexual dysfunction.

African Mango

Photo by Yoel Winkler on Unsplash

About 102 healthy overweight or obese people where studied in 2009 in Lipids in Health and Disease. Half of the participants were given African mango, while the other half were given a placebo. Scientist found that group who consumed African mango daily for 10 weeks had a significant improvement in their body weight, waist size, cholesterol levels, C-reactive levels (a marker of inflammation) and blood sugar levels.

Panax ginseng

Panax ginseng by Eugene Kim is licensed under CC BY 2.5

Ginseng has been used to treat various physical conditions and has been a vital constituent of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. A study involving 4,000 people found the consumption of different types of ginseng was associated with decreased risk of certain cancers such as lip, mouth, pharyngeal, laryngeal, oesophageal, lung, stomach, colorectal, liver, pancreatic, and ovarian cancer. Ginseng therapy has also been associated with increased mood and decreased body weight and fasting blood glucose in 36 patients with newly diagnosed non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

Licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Image by gate74 from Pixabay

Licorice plant is used to relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as acid reflux, upset stomach, and heartburn. Some studies indicate that licorice root extract lowers body mass index (BMI) and boosts weight loss.

Raspberry ketone

Photo by Jamal Yahyayev on Unsplash

Raspberry ketone Effectively breaks down fat cells which aids your body to burn this fat quicker using a fat burning hormone called norepinephrine. Raspberry ketone is also believed to be responsible for increasing adiponectin levels, this hormone helps regulate metabolism. Raspberry ketone increases the release a hormone known as adiponectin, a hormone that is released by fat cells and can regulate metabolism and blood sugar levels. People with normal weight have been found to have higher adiponectin levels than people that are overweight. Further studies show that people with low levels of adiponectin have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, becoming obese, fatty liver disease and even heart disease.


Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Many athletes use L-Carnitine to help them burn fat, enjoy enhanced recovery and prevent muscle fatigue. Plays a significant role in boosting your body’s metabolism. It does this by improving mitochondrial function and increasing cellular energy.

Additional ingredients in Biotox Gold include: Irvingia gabonensis, Tryptophan, Chrome, Green tea extract, Grape seed extract, EGCG,

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Frequent Asked Questions

Do I need To Diet or Exercise While Using Biotox Gold?

No. This supplement is designed to promote fat loss simply by restoring your leptin receptors and appetite to healthy levels, thus preventing you from overeating.

Does Biotox Gold deliver outside the United States?

• You can get Biotox Gold shipped to nearly all countries around the world. <<Click here >> for more information.
• Continental United States: 3–5 business days.
• International: 1–2 weeks.

Are there any Complaints About Biotox Gold?

Due to the rising popularity of this supplement, there have been some complaints about Biotox Gold only available to buy on the official website and some users want Biotox Gold to be also available to them in their local pharmacy to bypass the delays in delivery due to the current COVID-19 global pandemics.

When should I take Biotox Gold?

The daily dose recommended to be taken each day in order to achieve optimum results is 10 drops of Biotox Gold solution, 3 times a day.
You should keep up with the daily dose to benefit fully from the supplement. Most people have notice energy boost and weight loss within 10 days to 2 months.
After taken your supplement daily for 2 months, you can choose to cut down to 10 drops of Biotox Gold solution, 1 time a day. Many users have seen that they can lose weight with just a one-morning dose.

Who should not take Biotox Gold?

If you currently suffer from a medical condition or on prescribed medication, you should inform and show a bottle to your doctor for consent to use.
If you are pregnant or nursing do not take this dietary supplement without consulting your doctor first.

What is the price of shipping?

Shipping is free anywhere in the world.

Where do I buy Biotox Gold?

As of present Biotox Gold is only available for users to buy on the official website.
Biotox Gold comes with three different offers:

1 bottle costs $79
3 bottles cost $165
6 bottles cost $252

· 1 bottle priced at $79 (You Save $50) (no BONUS).

· 3 bottles — Price Per Bottle: $55 (You Save $220) + 1 BONUS of colon bottle

· 6 bottles — Price Per Bottle: $42 (You Save $519) + 2 BONUS of colon bottles

The more bottles that you buy the lower the price per bottle plus free bonuses. For example, when you buy 3 bottles, you will receive a free voucher for a product called Colon Clear-Biotox Nutrition or a free voucher for 2 colon clear Nutrition when you buy 6 bottles. The bonus colon bottle aids digestive health which in return also promotes weight loss.

Seeing at the price per bottle, customers buying in bulk can save a lot more.

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How much is the delivery?

The delivery is free regardless of the quantity of bottle you decide to purchase.

Is the Biotox Gold safe?

Currently, there have been no serious side effect reported by the thousands of Biotox Gold users. Biotox Gold users can take the supplement for as long as they want as there have been no documented withdrawal or tolerance effects with long term consumption of the organic ingredients used. This is expected as the supplement was not only produced with 100% ingredients but was also manufactured at an FDA-inspected facility, with the latest equipment been used.

Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason at all you want to get your money back, the Biotox Gold company states carries a 60-day full money-back guarantee with no questions asked. Just send an email to the customer service address given inside the product or provided on the website and your entire purchase price will be refunded within 48 hours. However, you will be required to return the bottle/s back used or unused to the address they will provide to you.

Photo credit: Timothy Valentine on VisualHunt.com / CC BY-NC-SA


The Biotic Gold is advertised as GMP certified and GMO-free or non-GMO, meaning that it is produced without any genetically modified ingredients.

FDA registered

It is manufactured at Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved facilities.

Who should purchase Biotox Gold

This supplement is for those who want to lose weight and maximize their health. The People who cannot seem to reduce their weight no matter what they do and wants to know why you are dieting and exercising but not losing weight, if you have an eating disorder, hit a weight loss plateau or are having difficulties maintaining a normal weight. If you want to reduce your weight without extreme exercise and dieting or if you are suffering from weight related issues such as heart burn and back pain.

We all have friends who can eat whatever they want and can eat tonnes of unhealthy foods like McDonald’s yet they manage to weigh less than us. The fact of the matter is Metabolic rates have little to do with weight loss; it really is Calories in = calories out. Hence, the reason why Biotox Gold is effective because it helps in decreasing your appetite caused by your overly active ghrelin receptor in your stomach.

The key to long term permanent weight loss is not to fight the hunger drive and constantly starving yourself and going to bed hungry. This strategy will only give you short term results but will invariably fail in the long-term for the vast majority.

Biotox Gold is a blend of 20 organic ingredients formulated together with the right combination to achieve a high potent liquid supplement that treats Motilin resistance and endocrine disrupting chemicals in our body. By targeting these toxins, you can naturally support your body to feel full and satisfied after eating so you will no longer feel hungry.

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Disclaimer: The content in this article is intended solely to provide information to readers and should not be used to self-diagnose or for treatment of any health problems or substituted for professional advice. Please, always seek medical evaluation from your Doctor or a licensed healthcare professional.

Disclosure: Some of the links in the articles are affiliate links so we will receive a commission at no extra cost to you if you decide to make a purchase through the links but we do not by any means represent the main brand Biotox Gold. Any purchase made from this article is subject to the final terms and conditions of the Biotox Gold official website and is done at your own risk.

